
Some tips on selecting the best leggings

Are you a frequent visitor to a gym even when you have already become a mom? In this case, you know that there appear more and more fitness clothes that can really be helpful in improving the effectiveness of your workouts. One of the recently appeared trends is squat-proof leggings. Now, you can see lots of girls who give preference to this model for their training. Why? 

First and foremost, we should make it clear what squat-proofness refers to and why it is so important when you do sports. Being squat-proof means that when you make a move (no matter what pose you want to strike and your leggings stretch across your bottom, your skin is not seen through them. So, you feel totally safe and look quite modest while staying sexy. 

However, you should consider a lot of factors before you make your choice with squat-proof leggings. As it is clear from the description, the first and the most important one is the thickness of the fabric (because evidently it will determine the degree of “protection”). The second most crucial characteristic is sufficient stretch, which typically ranges from one to three inches (rarely more). While you may try to stretch your leggings beyond that point, you should remember that their opaqueness will start to erode because they should be stretched beyond their performance limit. 

But here you might ask what is the right size to select? The first thing you must remember is that it has nothing to do with your actual size because here the most important thing is performance. The hip measurement is the major metric. That is why you should go to the sizing charts and check the size that corresponds to your measurement 

Good like in making the right choice!

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