
Why do physical activities with an elastic band set?

Fitness and elastic band sets should be used by anyone who wants to participate in exercise or physical activities?

The number of people who are obese or overweight and unhealthy is staggering. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the numbers are staggering.

  • In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 650 million were obese.
  • 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight in 2016, and 13% were obese.

That is 25% of the world’s population and with approximately 2.8 million people dying each year due to being overweight. The WHO also said that the primary cause of obesity are as follows.

  1. An increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat and sugars.
  2. An increase in physical inactivity due to the increasingly sedentary nature of many forms of work, changing modes of transportation, and increasing urbanization.

Three years ago, my doctor did my physical checkup and the blood sugar test showed that I was borderline diabetic. He warned me to change my lifestyle and my eating habits. Although I was not overweight, I was not active, and I had developed poor eating habits. As a young man, I was always active and played several sports. When I stopped playing sports, I turned to coaching soccer. Even as a coach I was still active, running and demonstrating and challenging my young athletes. However, I took a step back from coaching in 2016, and I became less active.

So, I took my doctors’ advice and started on an exercise routine. Today I am no longer borderline diabetic. I work out 4 times a week. When COVID started I stopped going to the gym and have been doing my work out at home. I started running outdoors but that has now stopped due to the cold weather and snow.

I know that physical activity and or exercise can make a huge difference in your life. It will improve your overall health, reduce the risk of developing health issues, and make you feel a lot better. It can prevent type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and heart attack, lower your cholesterol level, and possibly lower your risk of some types of cancers. As well it will help prevent musculoskeletal disorder, a degenerative disease of the joints. Also, physical activity is important for the maintenance of muscle mask and prevents atrophy (shrinking of the muscles).  

Some benefits of physical activity include.

  1. Development of stronger bones, muscles, and joints.
  2. Lowers the risk of developing osteoporosis, due to the strong bones, joints, and muscles.
  3. Improve energy levels.
  4. Relaxed, better sleep and overall changes in your mood.

It is recommended that you get at least 30 to 45 minutes of physical activity each day depending on your age, your current health condition or even the type of work that you do. The health benefits outweigh the time sacrifices you will put in.

Always seek your doctor’s advice before starting on any rigorous exercise routine. When you do start, do your workout for a short duration. You will feel a little muscle ache and stiffness in the next day or two. But that will gradually decrease. Then increase after two weeks. I started working out twice a week, then went to three times and then 4 times per week after a few months. I also run twice (25 minutes) each week for a cardio workout as part of my overall workout routine. Now with bad weather outside I get on an elliptical machine for my cardio.

So, to help you get fit and stay healthy we at ShazActive would like to recommend this product for an in-home workout routine.

A Fitness elastic band set with Pull handles. Hook it at the back of a door and off you go. You can do a variety of exercises with this stretch band set.Link to product is below.

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